I spoke with the trainer downstairs at my work gym who told me I might be able to avoid back pain by increasing the gradiant a bit more. He said that running outdoors uses more hamstring muscles, however on a treadmill one overcompensates with hip flexors which can hurt the back. Unless I'm trying to simulate hill intervals I will normally keep the gradiant at 0, but running at 1.0 seemed to help.
I consumed my lunch in less than 5 minutes. I totally forgot just how ravenous running can make you.
I'm following a 3-4 day/week running plan with cross-training as filler. I know my body and I know it can't handle 5-6 days/week of running. The rest of my week should look something like this:
Wednesday - Spin class and 20 min. strength training
Thursday (New Years Eve!!!) - 4-5 mile interval run (hopefully outdoors) followed by BR's big bash where I will try not to undo all of my hard work, but have fun while doing it :-)
Friday - 45 minutes of light elliptical and some strength training if I have time or feel like it after New Years Eve
Saturday - 10.5 mile long run with Team Brigham. I'm finally going to meet the team I'll be training and fundraising with!
Sunday - Rest
And please please visit www.firstgiving.com/heathercanner to contribute to breast cancer research. Anything is better than nothing!