Perhaps going for a 14 mile run in below freezing temps wasn't the best idea this morning, but what other options do I have? These long runs have to be done outdoors and unless it's pretty catastrophic outside, I should suck it up and go. I think a lot of other runners felt the same, b/c I was not alone out there today.
Last night we had JP's lab's holiday party which is usually held in January. I'm also usually coming from work since it's our busy time in January.
Work on Saturdays + Long runs on Sundays = Unhappy Heather
Reason being I have to get up at 6:30am on a Sunday morning just so that I don't kill the rest of the day. After my nap which I just woke up from at 4:30pm, I managed to kill it on my own.
I started up the coffee right away and had some banana oatmeal with, YES, half a chocoloate chunk cookies. Wanna know what? Because I can and I felt like it. (I have to give myself perks about running 14 miles somehow).

When I checked this morning and saw that it was 3 degrees and felt like -9 outside, I knew I had layer.
First off, Under Armour top, leggings, and a dry fit running top.

Next up, a fleece

After that I had two layers of gloves, my headband, and I
almost brought my neck wrap which I regretted not bringing later. It can be annoying to wear, but it would have come in very clutch today.
I also decided to bring along some nutrition since the run would go over two hours. On the list...
1 packet Vanilla GU Energy Gel
1 bag Luna Bar Pomegranite Moon chews

I also brought along the standard gatorade/waters in my fuel belt. And today, since it was nice and dry out, I could also bring along my camera.
Ready to run!

I swear, how these teenage girls do their selfies in the mirror I will never know. I guess I'd be a horrible sexter.
Once heading outside I realized, crap, I have to run 14 miles. The start of a long run, while I realize it's going to be tough physically, is so mentally challenging.

The watch is at zero and you have a LONG ways to go. I probably don't get truly into a long run until at least 5 miles. Those first 5 are pretty depressing, especially alone, but after that I'm usually on such a high it makes it all worth while. I guess it's like having kids?
I started my FRIGID run around the Resevoir right by Boston College.

A very distant Boston in the background.

My run today would take me beyond those buildings (The Pru and John Hancock) and to the theater district and back.
The beginning of the run, aside from being cold, went by rather quickly to my surprise. It wasn't until 45 minutes in, when I hit the Citgo sign on the horizon...

that I realized things might get intersting.
When you're running in nature's freezer that means that everything in it can freeze. Bye bye fluids, hello icy slushies.
I was so distracted trying to pick the slush out of one of my bottles, that I forgot to restart my stop watch. Soooo, I had no clue how long I had been gone for exactly for the entire run. It usually helps track my progress and mileage, so I had to say goodbye to that.
Aside from the cold, itwas beautiful out this morning. The lovely Back Bay

The mandatory Cheers photo

A minor snafu in my planning, not realizing that taking Beacon St. all the way down would mean running UP Beacon Hill.

I actually met those runners in the distance when they were on a break. They were part of the L- Street running club, one of Boston's biggest running clubs based out of Southie, and helped keep me encouraged. I needed it!
I'm in the city!

I decided at this point to take a GU and some water. Unfortunately my plain water bottle had frozen shut so badly, I couldn't open it up. A gatorade slushy it would be.

The Gu actually tasted much better ice cold and did not freeze.
I figured I had to prove I was actually in the Boston Commons today and got there by foot.

I got some photographic inspiration and snapped up some pics.

Now it's time to head back! But uh oh, I have to pee. I've had to pee the entire run, but it's at this very moment where I HAVE to pee.
Thankfully this hit around Comm Ave. and Mass Ave., an area I lived in for a couple years in college. Nearest Starbucks, no problem!
When I stepped inside I felt like someone had laid a pound of bricks on my chest. I could NOT breathe. The air inside was so warm and unbelievably heavy. I couldn't stop hacking up a lung in the bathroom.
I got back on my way quickly, but my chest was hurting a bit. I wish I never stepped foot in that starbucks but I didn't have a choice.
My run back was full of pain, but not the usual pain that accompanies a long run. My legs are usually sore and the main focal point of my aggrivation. Today it was my breathing and the bitter cold.
As I'm thinking these thoughts in my head, this girl runs by me.

I typically applaud the short-wearing runner in the winter, however this chick was crazy!
I ran back along BU campus

I got a kick out of this sign at the Paradise Rock Club

Only 2 more miles, which went in slow mo. I forgot about my Luna Moons since I never felt hungry or thirsty on the run. Not normal! I decided to just try one since I wanted to test them out.

Verdict, yummy but very very chewy. It took more energy to eat them than they probably provided me. I only had two because, like I said, I was not hungry at all.
Finally I was at Chandler Pond, the best backyard every, and time to walk.

Some fun with shadows.

A well earned 14!!!

This run really tested me today. I don't think it can get much worse than this. My lungs were on fire and my chest hasn't been the same all day. Every deep breath has been accompanied by a hacking cough.
I literally had to force some Thai leftovers down because my appetite was non existant.

We also went out to Shabu Zen for Japanese hot pot since all I wanted was hot tea and soup.

My normal post run cravings are meat, burgers, greasy anything. Today, tea and soup? I'm not myself.
I just crashed for a two hour nap and now it's dark out. Long runs suck away your day.
At least next week's run is back down to 10.5.
And then I remember why I'm doing it all...